



The difference between a Discount or Full-Service Property Management Company

In your search for a property manager, you may have come across “discount” or flat-fee companies that promise to deliver the same services as a full-service management company at a fraction of the cost. While they may offer a few of the benefits of a full-service management company, there are some notable differences:

1. Supervised vs. Self-showings
Most discount managers will allow potential tenants to view the property on their own, without the property manager in attendance. They save themselves time and money by allowing people into your property unsupervised. Our opinion is that this is a disservice to the property and the owner because it opens the door for potential liability, damage to the property, injury to persons viewing the property, theft, etc. Making sure you know who is coming in and out of your property is so important in protecting your asset.

2. Licensed Realtors vs. Automated Lease Generators
A lease agreement is a legally binding contract. An automated lease generator will not get the nuances or important details that are unique to your specific property. Using a licensed agent helps to ensure you and your investment are protected.

3. Local Staff vs. Call Center Answering Service
The last thing an owner or a tenant wants when they need a question answered is to call and speak with an offshore call center or an automated system. The amount of time it takes to get your question answered or get them to understand the problem is frustrating. Having local staff who works with you to get your questions answered should never be underestimated.

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